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Anne Marie Ruff Grewal

ANNE MARIE RUFF GREWAL has spent her whole life telling stories: as a novelist, journalist, radio broadcaster, editor, teacher, and actor. Her work has been published/broadcast by NPR, BBC, PRI, PBS, Christian Science Monitor, Time Asia, Far Eastern Economic Review, and International Herald Tribune TV. She lived in Frogtown for several years, where she hosted a Little Free Library, taught writing at Dorris Place Elementary – where her two sons were students, and helped found the fruitshare at the Jardin del Rio on Riverdale Avenue.

Beneath the Same Heaven is a love story of an American woman and a Pakistani-born Muslim man, who seem to have bridged the divide between Western and Islamic world views. But when the husband’s father is killed by a US drone attack near the Afghan border, their cross-cultural family descends into conflicting ideas of loyalty, justice, identity, revenge, and terrorism. With candor, beauty, and unusual insight, their story reveals both how decent people can justify horrific acts, and the emotional power required to heal.


The Frogtown Artwalk is a biennial self-guided tour of artists and makers studios and curated exhibits in local businesses in Elysian Valley. Learn more about past Artwalk's here.

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